HelpSteps (Online Advocate)

Domains: Economic Stability
Health and Clinical Care
Neighborhood and Physical Environment
Constructs: Employment
Early Childhood Education and Development
Higher Education
Access to Health Care
Health Coverage
Safety, Crime and Violence
Quality of Housing
Hunger/Food (In)security
Year Created: 2015
Number of Items: 130
Administration Time (Minutes): 25
Administration Setting: Inpatient
Population Screened: Children/Young Adults
Administration Methods: Electronic

About the Tool

The Online Advocate is a 74-121 item questionnaire assessing demographics and health-related social problems in 5 domains (economic stability, education, health & clinical care, neighborhood & physical environment, and food).

Read about the first empirical use of the tool:
Youths' health-related social problems: concerns often overlooked during the medical visit.

Articles Related to this Tool

Baer TE, Scherer EA, Fleegler EW, Hassan A.
Food Insecurity and the Burden of Health-Related Social Problems in an Urban Youth Population. J Adolesc Health. 2015;57(6):601-7.

Hassan A, Blood EA, Pikcilingis A, Krull EG, McNickles L, Marmon G, Wylie S, Woods ER, Fleegler EW. Youths' health-related social problems: concerns often overlooked during the medical visit. J Adolesc Health. 2013;53(2):265-71.

Tool Ratings

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Psychometric Ratings of HealthSteps Tool
Pragmatic Rating of the HealthSteps Tool